AffiliateWP – REST API Extended
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  • Version affiliatewp-rest-api-extended-1.2
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  • File Size 65KB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date October 31, 2022
  • Last Updated October 31, 2022

AffiliateWP – REST API Extended

AffiliateWP provides a REST API to help affiliates track their campaigns and manage their data. The API offers a wide range of features, including campaign tracking and post-campaign analysis. AffiliateWP’s REST API is extensible, making it easy for affiliates to add their own functionality.AffiliateWP’s REST API offers a wealth of functionality for affiliates. The API can be used to track individual campaigns and posts, as well as analyze the performance of an entire affiliate program. This information can be used to make informed decisions about how to run an affiliate program, and to optimize campaigns for maximum success.AffiliateWP’s REST API is extensible, making it easy for affiliates to add their own functionality. This includes features like campaign tracking and post-campaign analysis. By incorporating this additional functionality into the API, affiliates can provide comprehensive management tools for their users. This makes it easier for affiliate programs to stay organized and efficient, while maximizing the potential reach of each campaign.

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